Wednesday 2 May 2012

A Royal Malay Banquet Menu

Extracted from 'Perak and the Malays: "Sarong" and "kris"' by John Frederick Adolphus McNair (London, Tinsley Brothers, 1878).

The Maharajah entertained a departing Governor and his lady at a banquet at the Istana, or palace, when the menus were printed on pieces of rich yellow satin bordered with green silk lace. As an example of the style in which an Eastern prince who adopts our customs can give a dinner, it may not be out of place to print here in extenso the contents of the bill of fare, in spite of the peculiarity of the Malay language. It is unnecessary to give a translation in full, and the reader will surmise that Tim signifies soup, Ikan fish, and so on. Sambals  already been described; while amongst the Manissan, or sweets, plum-pudding and custard are sufficiently  English to need no interpreter. Suffice it that the list contains all the delicacies to be procured in the Straits, not omitting Dodol Baku (ices), Ananas, Susu, and Limau.


'Perak and the Malays: "Sarong" and "kris"' by John Frederick 
Adolphus McNair (London, Tinsley Brothers, 1878) is available at 
my Sejarah Melayu Library. Click here to download a copy.

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